Poetry Breakdown: The Only Horizon by Laureano Alban

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Only Horizon by Laureano Alban

In the second section of the fourth canto of "the Endless Voyage" by Laureano Alban there is an identifiable expression of worry when traveling to an unknown destiny. Words appear to be purely observations of the sea and compass; however, an underlying premise is present.

Based on the story of Columbus' voyage to discover another route to Asia, Columbus is perplexed when the compass points away from the North Star only to find they are on course with the Sun during the day. This confuses Columbus, though he remains unshaken when traveling west to find Asia.

Alban uses words, such as: point, blood and eyes to infer sea serpents. There is also reference to lore related to the Edge of the World: whirlpool, rocks and shipwreck. This is matched with imagery of traveling west, "A clear lance pointing toward the sea." The lance brings about imagery of the morning sun casting a long bolt of light across the ocean waves pointing west, like an "arrow." Some might interpret arrow as Native American in a narrative insight, yet it is an arrow pointing to the destination.

With modern insight, we understand Magnetic North is different from the North Pole and constellations appear to move depending on vantage between hemispheres. Alban implies variation between Magnetic North and the North Star is a sign proving an edge of a flat world.

As toward a whirlpool
Where distances are heading.
Where rocks open eyes
Of pure rust
Which will sink and carry down
Night's acid sails of frost.

Columbus remains a man of science, observing methods of sailing to remain steady on his path. Projecting a tone of calm, a shuttering of anxiety gently breaks through scientific observation to produce a metaphor. By remaining calm and using logic Columbus is able to maintain a steady when new circumstances challenge his theory. He has integrity while challenging commonly known facts. There is apprehension wondering if they were right; however, he is able to continue sailing towards the destination.

Often there are dualities in society messages. A person might say it important to stay true to personal beliefs, while implying it is best to accept commonly known standards. While the poem reflects a motivational message of being unwavering when deciding to take on seemingly impossible odds, it also magnifies images of Columbus being on a death mission; wherein, if he fails his life is empty. There is no option to turn around.

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