Poetry Breakdown: On Growth by Dr. Seuss

Sunday, September 28, 2008

On Growth by Dr. Seuss

Addressing companies who have reached maturity, they already sold product to anyone wanting to buy it; however, during that time they hired a lot of people and now they still need stay competitive to stay in business. "You never can tell what some people will buy."

Developing a strategy to remain on top can make or break large businesses and corporations. They have to invest in the next big thing. Sometimes making bad decision causes bankruptcy or strain. Look at what happened to all of the companies who didn't want to spend money on computers. Now they have to buy and upgrade computers while profits are down. "And business must grow."

There are always new devices and management systems on the market. Everyone thinks they offer the best solutions in the marketplace. CEO's probably rack their brains deciding whether or not to buy RID Tags or bar scanners. Companies have to try and see the future. There is probably some guy out there that invested in asbestos; if he didn't die from lung cancer.

The Lorax appears to be laughing at himself, bound in overwhelming stress and "crumby tummy." He knows he has to make a decision, and understands the greater consequences. It is cruel exemplifying or playing down the role of the CEO, buyer or strategists. Though it could be looked at as encouraging and suggesting confidence, it makes my head spin to a negative place.

Seeing the picture of the cute Lorax next to the poem, he seems anxious, adds interest to the poem. If you have an appreciation for this type of sentiment or find negative input motivational; pin this poem to your wall. If not, it was a good read.

Quirky Books
Seuss-isms for Success by Dr. Seuss

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